Breast Reduction Procedure

Why a Breast Reduction?

A Breast Reduction is ideal if your breasts have become a large or excessive size that interferes with routine daily activities or prevents adequate exercise. Women who experience heavy breast tissue that has led to back, shoulder, and neck pain; poor posture; infections underneath the breast; sore bra-strap indentations and/or chaffing should consider undergoing breast reduction surgery to overcome these difficulties. A Breast Reduction will also aid in providing more contoured breasts and improve self-image.

What can a Breast Reduction solve?

● Self-consciousness associated with breasts being too large

● Breast size limiting daily activities

● Back, neck and shoulder pain associated with heavy breast tissue

● Low hanging breasts and over-stretched skin.

Are you a good candidate for a Breast Reduction?

Excess weight from breast tissue can cause body pain and impair activities of daily life. In addition, emotional discomfort and self-consciousness are often associated with having oversized breasts. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you might want to consider having a breast reduction performed.

What results should I expect?

Following a breast reduction procedure, you should expect to have a more attractive contour and manageable breast size. Patients will also obtain freedom from health ailments associated with excessively large breast tissue

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