
a woman dressed in lingerie with a measuring tape wrapped around her waist | Physician's Institute

Why get Liposuction?

The purpose of a Liposuction procedure is to remove localized deposits of subcutaneous fat (under the skin) from practically anywhere in the body. You may be an ideal candidate for Liposuction if you have excess subcutaneous fat, which is resistant to diet and exercise, and/or you wish to change the contours of your body. Commonly involved areas in this procedure are the anterior part of the neck (under the chin), upper arms and armpits, male chest/breasts, trunk, abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inner knees, calves, and ankles. Improved techniques and advances in modern medicine now allow for larger amounts of fat removal.

The final appearance of the sculpted area should show improvement in the contour and proportion of the treated area accompanied by a more flattering figure or physique, in or out of clothing. Your age, weight, hormonal influences, general state of health, and overall skin condition are all factors that will influence your appearance following suction lipectomy. Each patient is unique, and during your consultation your doctor will discuss with you in detail how these general factors apply to you individually to develop a personalized surgical plan.

How is the surgery performed?

A one-eighth to one-quarter inch incision is made near the area from which the fat be removed, and a specially designed surgical cannula (tube) is placed through the incision into the fat. The cannula is attached by flexible tubing to a vacuum pump, which removes the fat by suction as the cannula is manipulated beneath the skin.

How long does the procedure take?

The operation can last anywhere between 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on how many areas are being treated, and how much fat needs to be removed.

What kind of anesthesia will I have?

Typically, when only one or two small areas are treated, particularly on the face and neck, the patient is given local anesthesia. When multiple or large areas are treated, general anesthesia is used and an expert anesthetist is present. The type of anesthesia used when multiple or large areas are treated should be discussed at the time of the consultation and usually the anesthetist charges separately for his/her services.

What can I expect after surgery?

There are usually bandages, dressings, or Steri strips covering the small incisions that will be present after surgery, and most patients will need to wear a supportive compression garment that will be provided once they have recovered from anesthesia. If the garment is placed after surgery, the patient will wear it for 4-6 weeks following the operation. You can remove this garment for showering. There is usually some discomfort following surgery, and therefore you will be given a prescription for pain medication. When can I go back to work? All patients may return to work when released by the doctor. Vigorous sports are prohibited for three weeks. If skin tightening is done in addition to the suction lipectomy, recovery may be longer.

How long will my results last?

There will be a permanent improvement in the contour and proportion of the treated area accompanied by a more flattering figure or physique, in or out of clothing. Suction lipectomy is not a substitute for a healthy diet nor is it useful for generalized weight reduction. As stated previously, your age, weight, hormonal influences, general state of health, and overall skin condition are all factors that will influence your appearance following surgery. Each patient is unique, and during your consultation, it is important to discuss how general factors apply to you in particular.

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